Thursday 23 June 2011

Tasty Motorex!

Well, this is it ... my 8th and final Advertising shot going into my portfolio submission next week. Why motor oil you say? Because this stuff it like gold for us KTM freaks ;-) At $25 a litre, you should be able to drink it too! Whatcha think?


Don't these look delicious? My good friend and now chocolatier Jen Winter of Koko Chocolates ( in Ottawa sent out a box of her tasty chocolates. OMG! These tiny treats are delish Jennifer - Thanks! Definitely shot these while I had the chance ... they're gone now ;-)

Thursday 16 June 2011

If Dr. Dre rode the skate park!

I'm down to my last two shots due for my 'minor' category(Advertising) for my final portfolio. Here's the result of a quick skate park shoot last night with a wicked set of Dr. Dre Beats headphones. If you ever get a chance to listen to your favourite track through pair of these, DO IT! ... Amazing sound quality! Thanks Christian for letting them out of your sight for the day!

Monday 13 June 2011

CV Fitness!

I had a lot of fun shooting these images at CV Fitness here in the Comox Valley ( A big thanks to Megan for modelling for me and to Sylvie & Brett for letting me use the facility for the shoot. It was really tough in this low light/busy environment, but I really enjoyed the challenge. I'm looking forward to shooting more of this stuff! What do you think?

Monday 6 June 2011

Splish Splash!

The sun came out this weekend and was perfect for snapping pics! A product shoot with Marq, a Cumby mtn bike shoot on 42st(love that trail!) with Leah on Saturday and last but certainly not least a wicked running shoot today with Crystal Dargie. Thanks to all of you for your enthusiasm and patience! All of this after a good turn out at our gallery show opening on Friday night. Here's a peek from today. Let me know what you think!

Thursday 19 May 2011

Tarp & Play!

I was looking to get near some water to grab a few lifestyle/sports action shots so i messaged a couple buddies to see what i could stir up. Lucky for me Cam had some time to come out and play. We checked out a local spot in the Comox Valley the paddlers call 'Tarp & Play'. The day of this shoot there was a 5 foot standing wave to surf which made for rad photos! Check 'em out and let me know what you think. The Puntledge paddle fest in coming up on May 27-29, Check it out! Looking forward to more shooting with these guys. Thanks Cam!

Tuesday 19 April 2011


Leah and I were very lucky to get a week off together, so we decided to head south on a road trip to Moab, Utah. We drove sooo many hours to get there, but once we arrived the weather was spectacular, the riding was fantastic and it was just sooo nice to take a break from the grind. We spent a little time in Arches National Park, so i shot away with HDR in mind. Here's a shot of 'Park Place' ... what a view! We did lots of riding ... more riding than shooting actually. Here's a shot of Leah carving up the Slickrock trail.

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Running + Hail = Oh yeah!

We headed out to Comox Lake today in the shining sun and as soon as we arrived on location the hail started! lol! It felt a lot like the Rockies. To be honest ... I loved the crazy weather! Here's one of the snaps from this afternoon, more later. A big thanks to our super-models Crystal & Brian!

Sunday 3 April 2011

Spring is here!

Christian and I hit the river this weekend for a shoot. The water was cold, but the sun was shining. Full on spring time in the Comox Valley! (Well, except for today ... it was so cold!) Looking forward to fishing this summer. Thanks Christian!

Wednesday 30 March 2011

Cumby Ride!

We sessioned a Cumberland trail combo - No Skids/Tied Knot/Bones with Boomer and his buddy Fin as our riding models. Erik Holbek happened to ride through while we there too! Tough to find some room to shoot with a dozen lenses and off camera flash for as far as the eye could see, but i did manage to pull off a few shots ;-) Good times - Thanks for setting this up Boomer!